Here in the United States we are in what seems to be the middle of a political campaign when in fact the first presidential primaries are still a month away. Seemingly endless debates, decisions determined by sound bites, and the ever present discussion about what exactly the church's role in politics should be leave many tired, others preturbed, and a few who act like a child who just ate a box of cookies and drank a gallon of red kool-aid. Some live for politics. Others dread all of this as a necessary evil and see a best case scenario where we are required to do our civic duty and discern the lesser of two evils. The candidates are judged by their positions, how often they change those positions, and how well they communicate their views and how convincingly they make their promises. There are values voters, the religious right, the liberal left, neo-conservatives, libertarians, moderates, constitutionalists, democrats, republicans, independents, and a lot of wackos. The base must be appeased. The fringe pandered to. And the undecideds lured to one side or the other.
Well, lest I go on and on like a politician let me get to my point. I was reviewing a few blogs and a few email lists I am a part of and a thought struck me. Just popped right in my head. Before I reveal that thought though I must mention that I have read and heard a lot of good, a lot of bad, and quite a bit of ugly lately when it comes to politics and religion. I have not decided how I will vote yet (and when I do decide I promise I won't blog about it), but many in the reformed and "evangelical" world (I use the term as loosely as it has come to be defined) are taking lots of time to talk about why we should vote for their candidate. The debates are heated, the logic impressive, and the stubborness quite amusing at times. But with all the talk about politics and religion I am concerned.
So what was it that hit me like a bolt of lighting?
How many of us lately have been better evangelists for our candidate than for our Savior?
The time, money, effort, zeal, words, arguments, debates, fact finding, passion, and all the rest that we spend pushing our favorite politician is embarassing when compared to the time, money, effort, zeal, etc, that we have given for the preaching and living of the gospel.
Politics and elections are not a bad thing. But I am afraid we are acting as if the politicians were our saviors. And no matter who they are or who we elect it is God who raises the nations up or puts them down. And it is not our elected leaders who influence God's will in the matter. It is whether we the people repent of our sin and turn back to Him.
Discussion and debate can be useful and good but the words of our mouth reveal the true condition of our heart. What do our lips (and typing hands) tell us about who we are trusting to save us?
Labels: politics, religion